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What is a booster shot? This is an additional dose of the vaccine that may be needed to boost your immune response and make sure you are protected from the COVID-19 virus.
Who Should Get a Booster? Everyone ages 12 years and older should get a booster. Wait at least 5 moths after Pfizer or Moderna or 2 months after Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
Booster doses for older adults age 50+ and for those who are immunocompromised are now eligible for a second booster, at least 4 months after their first booster.
What is mixing and matching? Mixing and matching is getting a different COVID-19 booster than your initial vaccine. Those who took Johnson and Johnson vaccines are reccomended to get a booster that is Pfizer or Moderna. Those who had Pfizer or Moderna should try to get same booster as their initial shot, but can mix and match based on preference and/or availability
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